
I’m Julien Dejasse from Liège, city of Belgium and I created JD Production because I think we can produce the impossible by combining organization and creativity.
I started producing videos – mainly music videos for bands – in 2018 when I realized that it’s a job in itself. Most of the bands think it’s included in the role and the budget of the director but it’s not. Making a music video is a project, sometimes very big and complex. As each project, the preparation and the organization are the key to success.

What do I do exactly as video producer?
From an organizational perspective, I manage the planning, the search of the locations, the autorizations, the lights renting, the accounting, the staff and the logistic.
From a creative point of view, I help the artist finding ideas and stories. I always ask my customers to brainstorm the craziest ideas they have. Thanks to my experience as manufacturing engineer, you can be very surprised of what we can achieve sometimes with little means.
The story is about the same for the stage effects. The goal is to create the most eyes-catching environment on stage. Every experienced artist knows that the stage effects are parts of the show.
Concretly, I use my knowledge and my creativity to manufacture the most professionnal decor that fits with your budget.